Randy Park, B.Sc., M.Eng.

Randy Park, President of Lightguide Systems Inc., has provided design, consulting, and training in high technology fields virtually all his life.

In high school, Randy and a friend created and sold basketball timing lights for local schools.
He was ahead of the curve in fiber optics communications – entering the field in 1980
He built personal computers before the term “PC” was even known
He designed microprocessor hardware to extract millivolt signals and make them measureable
He created the world’s first PC-interfaced Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
He was on the leading edge of analog data acquisition and measurement using microcontrollers
And others…

Randy is adept at seeing the synergy and potential of applying new technologies to existing problems, taking advantage of new developments to increase capabilities and decrease costs.

Randy is a rare combination of a technical expert and skilled communicator. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Physics and a Master of Engineering in Engineering Physics. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, the System Dynamics Society, and the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers.

Randy has extensively studied and presented on how we think and make decisions. He has combined this with his technical and management experience to develop unique techniques designed to enhance people’s thinking skills. He has written two books – “Thinking for Results” and “The Prediction Trap – and how to avoid it” – covering problem solving, decision making, troubleshooting, and systems thinking.

The c.v. below outlines some of these projects:

View Randy’s c.v. in your Browser

Email us for more information on the book, speeches, and workshops.