Developing your people

“Your people can make better decisions through better understanding of both the human and the systems aspects of making decisions. Decision Advancement helps by improving decision making processes and providing powerful tools to deal with complex decisions.”

Better Decisions lead to Better Results

Over a decade ago, Randy Park realized two things: 1. Smart people (such as technical people) sometimes get stuck on simple problems, and 2. The approaches and tools common in technology can have great value in solving organizational problems. Randy developed and wrote seminars, books, and speeches on “Thinking for Results” and “Decision Advancement.”

Fast forward to now, and Randy has presented these tools and concepts to thousands of people in North America in many different organizations. And recognizing where his strengths lie, and where they don’t, he has formed an alliance with other experts in complementary fields, broadening offerings while maintaining his focus on how people think and make decisions:

Randy Park provides presentations dealing with decision making, problem solving, and how people think. Specific topics include strategic thinking, innovation, gathering information/business awareness, collaboration and team development, systems thinking, and more. He often works with technical and scientific professionals.
Beverly Beuermann-King is a recognized resiliency and wellness strategist. Her presentations deal with addressing stress and building resiliency against life’s challenges. Specific topics include stress and workplace productivity, health and wellness, diversity and inclusion, dealing with change, human rights, conflict management, and team development.

All the programs provide approaches and tools for your people to look forward and anticipate the significance and nature of events before they occur, avoiding problems whether they come from systems or people, from external or internal sources.

Importantly, workshops are practical, interactive, and have participants try out the concepts and tools. They improve their thinking as they address thier issues.

Randy and his colleagues can deliver these unique concepts, approaches, and tools through keynote presentations, workshops, facilitated meetings, or (for the most impact) through a combination of all three – but this is more than just a presentation. Custom procedures, pocket reminder cards, and exclusive web pages all support improved decision making. All presentations are challenging, lively, humorous, and guaranteed to get your audience thinking about their thinking.

The Decision Advancement program is about expanding your view of situations to ensure you are considering all the important factors when making a decision. It includes examining your assumptions about the past, present, and future to ensure you take advantage of opportunities and are not blindsided by unexpected events. It is a carefully refined set of tools, tips, strategies, and procedures which allow participants to understand and improve their own thinking processes. It combines scientific procedures with knowledge of how people think to create powerful strategies to use every day.

Participants using the Decision Advancement approach learn about their own thinking style and assemble their own ongoing program for improving their thinking.

Decision Advancement techniques can be used for decision making, problem solving, troubleshooting, creative thinking, and many other situations at work, at home, and at play.

Click here for an article on Avoiding Bad Decision Making.

Please visit the Decision Advancement web site for more information on this particular program.